One Swell Gift

My friend Karin dragged me through the mall: I am not a shopper. It takes too much time and I don’t like it when sales clerks try to sell me stuff. I thought.

Not only was the NEW mall Karin pulled me into just lovely (Northridge Mall), they have a great Papyrus store there with finds that rival even the savviest of online shoppers. I picked up a few cards and at the cash register, the clerk asked me if I had seen their Waterford crystal vases. She proceeded to entice me with their beauty (yes), easy gift giving (yes), made in China? (No! Poland!) … but what really got me was the price for this 9″ tall vase.It comes in a beautiful box that I can wrap straight away.

Waterford. Crystal. How much? Made in Poland? All I have to do is join the free Card Club or something like that. Ok, I bit. How much? REGULARLY $69. SALE? $13.99.

Really? Really. $13.99. The list of people I need to buy for; Hubby’s nurse, the mail lady, pool guy, teachers, hair dresser.. well… it is healthy.

I bought 20.

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